Irish Americans
Irish Immigrants
Irish Mob
Irish Folklore
The Old Country
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A Complete List of Irish Films
Folklore |
The Tain Translated from the Irish Epic Tain Bo Cuailnge, Thomas Kinsella, Oxford Univ Pr., 1983 |
The Tain: The Great Celtic Epic, Liam Mac Uistin, Liam Macuistin, 1998 |
Early Irish Myths and Sagas, Jeffrey Gantz (Editor), Penguin USA, 1982 |
The Creatures of Celtic Myth, Bob Curran, 2001 |
Irish Myths and Sagas, Ulick O'Conner, 1882 |
Culture and Politics |
Ten Men Dead: The Story of the 1981 Irish Hunger Strike, David Beresford, 1997 |
In Search Of Ancient Ireland, Carmel McCaffrey, 2002 |
Out of Ireland, Paul Wagner, Kerby A. Miller, 1994 |
The Life of St. Patrick and His Place in History, John B. Bury, 1998 |
How the Irish Saved Civilization, Thomas Cahill |
To School Through the Fields: An Irish Country Childhood, Alice Taylor |
The Irish in America, Michael Coffey |
Rogue's March: John Riley and the St. Patrick's Battalion, Peter F. Stevens |
Are You Somebody?, Nuala O'Faolain,1996 |
Irish America: Coming into Clover, Maureen Dezell, 2001 |
The Boston Irish: A Political History, Thomas H. O'Connor, 1995 |
Culture Shock! Ireland, Patricia Levy, 1997 |
Northern Ireland A Political Directory 1968-1999, Sydney Elliott, 1980 |
Gangland, Paul Williams, Irish American Book Co., 1999 |