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A Complete List of Irish Films
The Old Country
Oftentimes, Ireland itself, the Ould Sod, is a major character in a film. Ireland, though hardly exotic, has a special allure. It is not only the scenic beauty of the island that is depicted, but also the sense of place. The typical characters that populate the scene and their interactions are an integral part of the setting.
Included here are films set before the 1970s. For more contemporary film settings choose Modern Ireland. |
Title Sort By | Year |
| Agnes Browne | 2000 |
| Amongst Women | 1998 |
| Angela's Ashes | 2000 |
| Bitter Harvest | 2001 |
| Bloom | 2004 |
| Boys and Girl from County Clare, The | 2003 |
| Broken Harvest | 1994 |
| Brylcreem Boys, The | 1996 |
| Butcher Boy, The | 1998 |
| Circle of Friends | 1995 |
| Conflict, The (org title: Catholics) | 1973 |
| Da | 1988 |
| Dancing at Lughnasa | 1998 |
| Dead, The | 1987 |
| December Bride | 1993 |
| Durango | 1999 |
| Evelyn | 2002 |
| Falling for a Dancer | 1998 |
| Field, The | 1990 |
| Frankie Starlight | 1995 |
| Girl with Green Eyes | 1964 |
| Guests of the Nation | 1981 |
| Hanging Gale, The | 1995 |
| How Many Miles to Babylon? | 1982 |
| Into the West | 1993 |
| Juno and the Paycock | 1930 |
| Lonely Passion of Judith Hearne, The | 1988 |
| Love & Rage | 1999 |
| Luck of the Irish, The | 1948 |
| Magdalene Sisters, The | 2003 |
| Man of No Importance, A | 1994 |
 | Peg o' My Heart | 1933 |
| Philadelphia, Here I Come! | 1975 |
 | Pilgrimage | 2017 |
| Playboy of the Western World, The | 1962 |
| Playboys, The | 1992 |
| Puckoon | 2002 |
| Quackser Fortune Has a Cousin in the Bronx | 1970 |
| Quare Fellow, The | 1962 |
| Quiet Man, The | 1952 |
| Rat | 2000 |
| Ryan's Daughter | 1970 |
| Secret of Roan Inish, The | 1994 |
 | Secret Scripture, The | 2016 |
| Shine of Rainbows, A | 2009 |
| Song O' My Heart | 1930 |
| Song for a Raggy Boy | 2003 |
| Stella Days | 2011 |
| Strumpet City | 1980 |
| This Is My Father | 1998 |
| Top O'the Morning | 1942 |
| Ulysses | 1967 |
| Waiting for Dublin | 2007 |
| War of the Buttons | 1995 |
| Widows' Peak | 1994 |