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Title Burke & Hare |
This film is based on a true story. And though a disclaimer reads "...except for the parts we made up" it is the most accurate of the many tellings of this tale on film. William Burke, William Hare and his wife were Irish immigrants living in Edinburgh, Scotland in the early nineteenth century. They came over to dig the canals. When work dried up they found themselves in want of money. What is true is a "well-timed" death led to a windfall and spurred an entrepreneurial spirit in the trio. They decided to sell corpses. The number of crimes that followed, for instance, and the names of the anatomists who purchased the cadavers are true. (A nice, historical, touch is the use of a tannery as background for the actual perpetrators lived next door to one.) It is not so likely that Burke's girlfriend directed an all women production of Shakespeare's Macbeth, but what became of Burke, surprising though, is true.
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On Demand
Year 2010 |
Type comedy |
Rating |
Director John Landis |
Writer Piers Ashworth, Nick Moorcroft |
Cast Simon Pegg, Andy Serkis, Jessica Hynes, Tom Wilkinson, Isla Fisher, Bill Bailey, Tim Curry