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A Complete List of Irish Films
Title Five Minutes of Heaven |
Though the events in this film are fiction they are based on a true story; tragically, a story that is true for many people in Northern Ireland and for others in war-torn parts of the world. Two men, brought together by tragic circumstances, seek redemption. Or is it revenge, the 'five minutes of heaven' they seek? There are many films about young men drawn into the IRA, but here is one about a boy drawn into the UVF or 'Tartan Gangs' as he calls them. At 14, he is asked to commit a murder. He does, believing he's doing the right thing. Thirty-three years later he is out of jail trying to fix his broken life. He reaches out to anyone who will listen in hope that his story will reach people, will make a difference. But only one man can help him achieve peace: his victim's little brother who witnessed the murder. Note that Neeson plays the Protestant and Nesbitt, the Catholic - the opposite of the usual roles they play.
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Year 2009 |
Type Drama |
Rating R |
Director Oliver Hirschbiegel |
Writer Guy Hibbert |
Cast Liam Neeson,
James Nesbitt,
Anamaria Marinca