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The Irish in Film
A Complete List of Irish Films

 Title  Hear My Song
Irish culture revolves around music and music is as integral to this film as it is in Irish life. We are treated to a traditional session, step dancing, two Irish tenors, ballads, American jazz standards, and even an aria. Don't be surprised when a character, seized by the moment, just bursts into song. And of course, as is the Irish way, others join in and sing along. There is more music here than in a musical and yet this is not a musical. The story, loosely based on the life of Josef Locke, revolves around a famous Irish tenor and the promoter (smooth talker) who promises to present him in concert. When he can't, he lies. When found out, this one lie puts a riff between the promoter and his finance and his whole clientele. Such is the respect given to one's word (or is it the music they're after). To redress this sin he goes to great lengths to make good on his promise. Link to reviews
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 Year   1992       Type   Comedy     Rating   R
 Director  Peter Chelsom  Writer  Peter Chelsom
 Cast  Adrian Dunbar, Tara Fitzgerald, Ned Beatty, David McCallum,
 William Hootkins


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