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A Complete List of Irish Films
Title Irish Jam |
It may be surprising that in this day in age villages are still owned by lords and that a title can be bought by purchasing a certain parcel of land. (I think this can only happen in Scotland and England because the Republic of Ireland does not grant titles.) There is a true story of a Scottish town selling itself to escape bankruptcy. Using, one suspects, similar reasoning to selling villages, many pubs in Ireland have been made contest prizes. And that is precisely what happens in this film. An American, with an Irish name, wins an Irish pub. The quintessential fish out of water is a hip conman from the big city. Oh, and dare I mention, he's totally black. Still, he fits in far better and is more inline with the villagers than the British lord who owns all the land.
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Year 2006 |
Type Comedy |
Rating PG-13 |
Director John Eyres
Writer John Eyres |
Cast Eddie Griffin,
Anna Friel,
Tom Georgeson,
Roger Ashton-Griffiths, Tallulah Pitt-Brown, Kevin McNally