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Original book
" The Luck of the Irish "
by Guy Jones

A Complete List of Irish Films
Title The Luck of the Irish |
The Irish countryside has a charm and a laidback attitude. It soothes the visitor and quiets the soul. When returning from a trip there, people have a glow. But then, back in the States, the grim rat race begins to creep back in. In this film, a business man visits Ireland and is changed forever. When he returns to New York City to his high-paying, high-stress job, a wee bit of Ireland returns with him -- in this case literally. An Irishman (who may or may not be a leprechaun) follows him home and insinuates himself into his life. He's mischievous but overall a good egg. He subtly prods your man into setting his priorities. Perhaps money is not the only measure of the quality of a man's life.
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Year 1948 |
Type Comedy |
Rating NR |
Director Henry Koster |
Writer Philip Dunne |
Cast Tyrone Power,
Anne Baxter,
Cecil Kellaway,
Lee J. Cobb,
James Todd,
Jayne Meadows