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Original play
"Miss Julie"
by August Strindberg

An Annotated Database
Title Miss Julie |
When Strindberg wrote the play, in 1906, it was a contemporary piece set in Sweden, here it is a costume drama set in Ireland. It all takes place on midsummer: the longest day of the year. In Scandinavia, which is closer to the Arctic Circle than Ireland, midsummer is a much bigger deal because the sun doesn't set that day. Since ancient times it is a day of pagan rituals. (Parades and music festivals have replaced the Bacchanalia of the old times, but it is still a major event.) It is not such a big deal in Ireland and thus its influence on the characters is not as profound. Still one can see clearly the parallel between turn of the century Sweden and Ireland: the fading aristocratic class struggling to keep control over those they would subjugate. Yet, they still long for a taste of the wild side, as well. See also: Dancing at Lughnasa where the proper ladies try to resist the allure of a Celtic pagan ritual.
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On Demand
Year 2014 |
Type Drama |
Rating PG-13 |
Director Liv Ullmann |
Writer Liv Ullmann |
Cast Jessica Chastain, Colin Farrell, Samantha Morton
Nora McMenamy