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Original book
"P.S. I Love You"
by Cecelia Ahern

A Complete List of Irish Films
Title P.S. I Love You |
This story, from the book of the same title, was originally set in Ireland. The setting has been changed to New York City in the film, yet, the story retains its Irish character. The friends still hang out in a pub, join in sessions, and refer to themselves as Irish even though they're now really Irish-Americans. Oh, and don't be forgetting the young fella from the Old Sod that's joined them. They find humor in everything and are too direct and honest to keep it in. Under this light exterior broods an inner yearning. The love stories within are Irish love stories: stories of loss and pining for lost loved ones. In the end, they journey back to Ireland. The green fields and calm surroundings, beautifully captured here, fill the gap left by loss. After all, isn't Ireland a lost love as well?
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Year 2007 |
Type Comedy |
Rating PG-13 |
Director Richard LaGravenese |
Writer Richard LaGravenese |
Cast Hilary Swank,
Gerard Butler, Kathy Bates, Lisa Kudrow,
Gina Gershon, Harry Connick Jr.