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A Complete List of Irish Films
Title The Proposition |
In the 1880s, the Australian outback was much like the American west. Pioneers pushed west pushing out the native population. Irish immigrants in Australia, even when they were not deportees from England, were wary of the British. Where the Irish immigrants in America were the police, in Australia, it was the British immigrant that entered the police force. The outlaws here are Irish. So, when the police pursue the outlaws, they are playing out the Irish-British conflict that was coming to a head back in Europe. We find ourselves rooting for the outlaws though they are clearly guilty. The British, in their endless pursuit of land and money at the expense of everyone else, are shown as the bad guys.
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Year 2005 |
Type Drama |
Rating R |
Director John Hillcoat |
Writer Nick Cave |
Cast Guy Pearce, Ray Winstone, Emily Watson, John Hurt