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Original book
"Round Ireland with a Fridge"
by Tony Hawks

An Annotated Database
Title Round Ireland with a Fridge |
When Tony Hawks found his career flagging he searched desperately for new material for his act. Where do ideas come from? He pondered this question with a friend. Searching his memory, he recalled a day he had seen a man hitchhiking with a fridge in Ireland. He wondered what kind of fool would do that. His friend then challenged-dare I say, dared- Tony to do just that. A bet was proposed to nudge Tony into accepting. (The question we need to ask ourselves is: What kind of friend would do that?) So Tony bought himself a fridge and a ticket to Ireland. What could possibly go wrong? After a book, a film and a new subject for his act, we can guess Tony is happy whether or not he won the bet.
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Year 2010 |
Type Comedy |
Rating |
Director Ed Bye |
Writer Tony Hawks |
Cast Tony Hawks, Ed Byrne, Sean Hughes, Josie Lawrence, Sara Crowe, Valerie O'Connor