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A Complete List of Irish Films
Title Shrooms |
Six teenagers, five of them American, camp near an abandoned brothers' home called Glengarriff House in a secluded wood in Ireland. With the help of their Irish friend they plan on taking hallucinogenic mushrooms. Old abandoned buildings inspire ghost stories -- all the more, old abandoned institutions. This friend tells them of the terrible treatment the inmates received during in the stay at the home - the aforementioned institution - which was a boys reformatory run by strict catholic brothers. Later, after they've taken 'magic' mushrooms - shrooms - they see former inmates running amuck in the woods. They can't tell if what they're seeing is real, ghosts or hallucinations. This is a much different take on Christian Brothers' 'homes' than Lamb or Song for a Raggy Boy. These depictions of the homes are almost as scary as this horror film.
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On Demand
Year 2007 |
Type Horror |
Rating UR |
Director Paddy Breathnach
Writer Pearse Elliott
Cast Lindsey Haun,
Jack Huston, Max Kasch, Maya Hazen,
Alice Greczyn,
Robert Hoffman