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Title Sing Street |
Rock & Rock and the sexual revolution hit Ireland late but the Irish caught on quickly by the '80s. When a poor, shy lad from Dublin falls hard for a beautiful stranger, he is advised to pursue her with music by his hip, older brother. And, that music must be original - you must write your own songs. Together with several boys from the strict Synge (pronounced sing) Street Brothers School he forms a band. They call themselves Sing Street. After all, The Beatles name is formed from a bad pun. What starts out as a quest of the love of a girl blossoms into the pursuit of art and individuality. The priests, of course, try to curb these efforts. Never was sticking it to the man so much fun. Then, sadly, the self-actualized youth feel out of place and look toward other shores for a place to fit in.
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Year 2016 |
Type Comedy |
Rating PG-13 |
Director John Carney |
Writer John Carney |
Cast Ferdia Walsh-Peelo,
Lucy Boynton,
Aidan Gillen, Jack Reynor, Maria Doyle Kennedy, Don Wycherley