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Original book
"The Romance of Tristan"
by Beroul

A Complete List of Irish Films
Title Tristan and Isolde |
The story is an old one. It is not certain whether the story is true but what can be gleaned from the details of the tale proves invaluable to historians. Set after the departure of the Romans, the land that would later become England was divided into regions ruled by feudal lords. The lords fought each other for power and status. But Ireland at this time was united under one king. Irish slave raids were a constant threat along the British coast. The British dukes strived to form alliances to protect themselves from Irish invaders. Above this background is the story of two lovers: Isodle the daughter of the Irish king and Tristan a Cornish nobleman. They fall in love but dare not reveal their connection. If you find this story familiar, you need look no further than Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet." Wagner composed an opera about it. History? Maybe not. I great story? Definitely!
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Year 2006 |
Type Drama |
Rating PG-13 |
Director Kevin Reynolds |
Writer Dean Georgaris |
Cast James Franco, Sophia Myles, Rufus Sewell, David O'Hara, Mark Strong