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A Complete List of Irish Films
Title Warrior Queen (aka Boudica) (Masterpiece Theatre) |
Many have long waited for the fascinating, historical tale of the Celtic Queen, Boudicca, who gave the Romans a run for their money when they occupied Briton, to be rendered on film. Her story is well documented for the Romans had a passion for history and they wrote it down. Emperors Claudius and Nero both knew her to be a formidable enemy and said so. Which may be why this film has such a strong Roman flavor. The names used for all the Celtic tribes and characters are the romanized ones dubbed by the occupiers. Surely the Celtic bards, passing down the oral history, used their real names. The Roman costumes are superb and historically based. The Celts are shown in dirty rags -- even the Queen and her daughters. Are we to believe the Celts, the self-proclaimed best in hospitality and Europe's finest weavers, would greet an emperor in rags? If you are one of those who waited for this film you will likely be disappointed with its inaccuracies. |
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Year 2003 |
Type Drama |
Rating NR |
Director Bill Anderson |
Writer Andrew Davies |
Cast Alex Kingston,
Steven Waddington
Emily Blunt,
Leanne Rowe,
Ben Faulks,
Hugo Speer