Holding onto me with one hand, Angie slipped the fingers of the other into his coat pockets. She was happy for my company, where I, of course, felt extremely awkward. Next, his waistcoat was revealed, a deep wine colour that only the rich could possibly pass off as fashion.

Angie stopped the search though clearly the gold watch chain strung across the front of the waistcoat was just the sort of thing she was after. I sensed she was staring at his face, as if she had seen him somewhere before. Her body, pressed against my side, stopped moving entirely. I could tell that she had stopped breathing.

What was happening I wondered? She first showed no fear of the corpse at all and then suddenly, and for no apparent reason, she was petrified with fright. Then her thoughts hit me. And, though they only lasted an instant, her thoughts showed me a complete scene from her past.