I slipped down the stairs to talk to Patient S. once more. I must ascertain just how he knew of Mina. Does he hold the key to who the Master really is?

When I arrived in the incurable ward, the corridor was full of people who spoke in hushed tones and seemed to be waiting—but for what? Without letting on my true role, I acted as if I belonged and walked directly to the photographic room. I closed the door behind me, leaving it slightly ajar so I might watch the goings-on.

The well-dressed ladies and gentlemen who stood at a respectable distance must have been his family. George, of course, kept his distance as well, directing the warders and the workmen from across the corridor. A man with a doctor's bag replaced his top hat, signalling he was leaving. After him, two men in leather aprons emerged with a body on a stretcher. They were heading my way. So, thinking on my feet, I stepped to the far wall and feigned interest in the photographic studies.