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Title Isolation
Set on an isolated farm, a lone Irish farmer has much to fear. Loneliness, poverty and the threat of foreclosure haunt him. The only people he sees: Travellers, guarde and bankers all want something from him. What's a man to do? For one, allow a scientist to experiment on your cows for money.
There were once very few horror movies coming out of Ireland yet now they abound.
Boy Eats Girl, Shrooms, and Dead Meat are all recent additions and Dead Meat is also about cows. Scary cows. I've seen Irish cows; they are placid and mundane. The mad cow disease that struck England a decade ago seems to have struck a chord in the Irish psyche producing stories where the cows not only kill people but eat their flesh. What a role reversal. This film combines the killer cow theme with breeding run amuck putting to mind the sheep cloning experiments in Scotland. The message here is simple: messing with mother nature is a very dangerous thing.
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Year 2005
Type Horror
Rating NR
Director Billy O'Brien
Writer Billy O'Brien
Cast John Lynch, Ruth Negga, Essie Davis, Sean Harris, Marcel Iures, Crispin Letts