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A Complete List of Irish Films
New Irish Films
Listed here are films that are only recently available in the US. Some titles were released overseas first and thus the film date is not as recent. |
| Title Sort By | Year |
| '71 | 2014 |
| About A Zombie | 2012 |
 | Black '47 | 2018 |
| Black Mass | 2015 |
| Boondock Saints II, The | 2009 |
 | Brooklyn | 2015 |
 | Burke & Hare | 2010 |
| Calvary | 2014 |
| Children Of A Darker Dawn | 2012 |
| Citadel | 2012 |
| Conor McGregor: Notorious | 2017 |
| Dark Touch | 2013 |
| Eclipse, The | 2009 |
| Fighter, The | 2010 |
| Good Vibrations | 2012 |
| Grabbers | 2012 |
| Guard, The | 2011 |
| Happy Ever Afters | 2009 |
| Hard Times (aka Holy Water) | 2009 |
 | Handsome Devil | 2017 |
| In Fear | 2013 |
 | Ireland's Wild Coast | 2017 |
| Jimmy's Hall | 2014 |
| Kill the Irishman | 2011 |
| Killing Bono | 2011 |
| Last Night, The | 2013 |
| Leap Year | 2010 |
| Live By Night | 2016 |
 | Maze | 2017 |
| Noble | 2014 |
| O'Briens, The | 2013 |
| Ondine | 2009 |
| One Hundred Mornings | 2009 |
| Parked | 2010 |
| Perrier's Bounty | 2009 |
| Philomena | 2013 |
 | Pilgrimage | 2017 |
| Pipe, The | 2010 |
| Race, The | 2010 |
| Round Ireland with a Fridge | 2010 |
| Run and Jump | 2013 |
| Runway, The | 2012 |
| Secret of Kells, The | 2009 |
 | Secret Scripture, The | 2016 |
| Sensation | 2012 |
| Shadow Dancer | 2012 |
| Sing Street | 2016 |
| Song of the Sea | 2014 |
| Songs For Amy | 2012 |
| Stella Days | 2011 |
| Town, The | 2010 |
| Truth About Kerry | 2012 |
 | True History of the Kelly Gang, The | 2020 |
| WC | 2009 |
| What Richard Did | 2013 |
| White Irish Drinkers | 2011 |